Rich Media Ad Formats for New Year Ad Campaign

5 New Rich Media Ad Formats for Perfect New Year Ad Campaign

10 December 2018

New Year and Christmas are upon us. Yet, if you’re an advertiser or publisher, the holiday season may bring you not only happy moments but instead turn into advertising fever. To help you run your holiday ads effectively and with no headaches, Admixer.Creatives is launching new rich media ad formats with ready-to-use UI templates. 

Admixer.Creatives is a creative management platform (CMP) that enables you to set up rich media online advertisement for any device in minutes. Creating ad campaigns using ready rich media templates available in Admixer.Creatives is really simple and fast. You just need to add your images of a proper size, get an instantly generated tag, and integrate it into your website or mobile app directly or through adserver.

Now, what are these ad formats we’ve prepared for you to help you stand out in holiday rush and wow your audience? Read on and choose which fits you best.

Rich Media Templates for Desktop and Mobile

#1 Sticky Video: Meeting your Viewability Goals

This is a video ad that plays on a web page inside the content. This format allows to minimize a video player and pin it to the corner of the browser window. So, when a user keeps scrolling the page down and the player is out of the viewport, its minimized version keeps following the user and remain visible.

Sticky Video Rich Media Ad Creative - Admixer Creatives

What you Get with .Creatives Sticky Video:

  • increasing your video advertising viewability
  • creating positive user experience: sticky element has a “close” button that appears immediately (without countdown)
  • by default a video sound is off, the user initiates its playback

Sticky Video Demo | Specs for Sticky Video

#2 Scratch Banner Ad: Engaging your Audience

Improved for mobile, and, eventually, available for desktop, this interactive media ad format engages users to participate. Similarly to lottery tickets where you needed to scratch the shiny upper layer with a coin to reveal a win, this banner ad invites a user to “scratch” the top banner digitally. Using a finger for mobile, or a mouse for desktop, a user “scratches” the banner and reveals the image beneath.

Scratch Banner Rich Media Ad - Admixer Creatives

What you Get with .Creatives Scratch Banner Ad:

  • perfect for special offers, deals, discounts
  • brings interactivity, provoking a user to participate
  • entertaining lottery component

Scratch Banner Demo | Specs for Scratch Banner

Rich Media Templates for Mobile Only

#3 Mobile 360 Interactive Videos: All-Embracing View

Mobile 360 format allows you to get your audience engaged by using spherical panoramic images and videos. To view a 360 mobile video advertising users need to use their fingers or move a phone’s accelerometer. This format fits perfectly for promoting events, travel and hospitality venues, sports activities, and beyond.

Mobile 360 Interactive Videos Rich Media Ads - Admixer Creatives

What you Get with .Creatives Mobile 360

  • is an excellent addition to experiential marketing campaigns
  • drives more viewer engagement and interaction
  • increases conversion

Mobile 360 Demo | Specs for Mobile 360

#4 Mobile Swipe: Perfect Rich Media Ads for E-commerce

This mobile ad format allows you to showcase up to five images, each in a single ad unit and with a link to its own landing page. Users can swipe through the images. As well each image can evolve another automatically. Mobile Swipe is hugely versatile and can be used in many ways. Like, for instance, when you need to highlight a product, illustrate its usage or perform a product tour.

Here’s a short video guide on how you can set up Mobile Swipe ads.

Mobile Swipe Rich Media Ads for eCommerce - Admixer Creatives

What you Get with .Creatives Mobile Swipe

  • a perfect match for e-commerce stores
  • engage your audience in interacting with ads
  • draw attention using up to 5 banners  

Mobile Swipe Demo | Specs for Mobile Swipe

#5 Mobile Cube: Rich Media Creative and Interactive

At last, we’re glad to announce that a Cube, one of the most popular ad formats, is available for mobile devices now. A Mobile Cube allows you to showcase ads on six sides, including mobile video advertising on one of them. A Cube can spin automatically or by swiping. When the user swipes the Cube, its sides can obtain various settings, including a level of opacity set out in the template.

Mobile Cube Rich Media Ad - Admixer Creatives

What you Get with .Creatives Mobile Cube

  • invite your audience to interact with ads
  • show up to 6 banners within one format, each with its own landing page
  • using video ad

Mobile Cube Demo | Specs for Mobile Cube

Next Steps with New .Creatives Rich Media Templates

Now that you know what new ad formats are available, you are ready to choose the right one to create your perfect campaign this holiday season. Head over to the Ad Formats page and launch your campaign. Have any questions? Let’s talk.

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