Google promises to help publishers when the blocking starts

2 June 2017

Remember how everyone talked about Google Chrome in-built ad blocker? At the time, the company made no official statements and left us waiting. And now we have some first-hand info. Google’s official representatives have shared how they are working in the direction.

Google’s Senior Vice President Sridhar Ramaswamy has explained their next steps towards improving user experience with ads in his latest post on the corporate blog. Ads are vital for content creators to stay afloat and continue their work. Extra annoying ads, that interrupt, distract or clutter, force viewers to block all of them. Major market players unite to find the win-win solution.

anoying on mobile

Which ads are bad?

In their previous statements, Google confirmed their cooperation with the Coalition for Better Ads. They will continue supporting the Better Ads Standards, as developed by the group. The ads that do not fit into the standards are planned to be filtered out. The process will unroll once Google stops showing these raindrops on the parade of ads in Chrome browser. With that, Google promises publishers the tools to prepare.

google announce

Self-control gets easier

The new Ad Experience Report is the tool that publishers can use to check if their ads can be labeled as unacceptable. Furthermore, publishers who were informed on their ads being blocked can see videos and screenshots of offending ads, so that they could fix the issue. After the fix, publishers can request a review and step back into the ranks.



Direct pay instead of ad revenue

One more product that Google has announced is Funding Choices. The solution is now in beta. Once it’s rolled out, it’s thought to provide visitors using third-party ad blocker with an alternative. They can either enable the ads on the site or pay for a pass to the ad-free viewing of the site by means of Google Contributor.

Given the huge role of Google on the market, we can be sure that their current decisions will shape the industry in the future. Stay tuned and follow the further developments with us.

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