Header Bidding in Admixer Network

Admixer.Network Launches Header Bidding

19 June 2019

Now ad networks owners can target approved Header Bidding DSPs partners and bring more efficiency in programmatic trading.

We’re glad to announce the rollout of a new feature for Admixer.Network owners – Header Bidding demand. With this update ad network owners now have a new opportunity to leverage the full potential of Header Bidding to increase their earnings and bring more profit to publishers.

Benefits for ad network owners

Admixer.HB+ Header Bidding Platform allows the ad networks owners to:

  • Maximize earnings: With Header Bidding demand, you can increase range and variety of demand, get the best possible price for inventory.
  • Apply widely: Header bidding can be used for all of ad networks types and ad formats: display, video, native, AMP, interstitial.
  • Ensure best price for your publishers: With roll up of Header Bidding, ad networks owners can build the ultimate monetization scheme (similar to hybrid programmatic model), where all demand types – direct, Header Bidding, and oRTB – are competing for the ad zone and ensuring the publishers the highest price for their inventory.
  • Manage easily: You don’t have to plug each partner into the ad network by yourself, Admixer team does this for you. An alternative scenario without Header Bidding demand requires: getting the prebid core and adding it to the website, then getting Header Bidding partner’s prebid adapter, and finally integrating it into the prebid core. Setting up a Header Bidding DSP partner within Admixer.Network solution is alternatively easy, fast, and literally requires 3 clicks.

Getting started with Header Bidding

Briefly explained, Header bidding is an advanced programmatic technique wherein publishers offer inventory to multiple ad exchanges simultaneously.

By letting multiple demand sources bid on the same inventory at the same time, publishers can increase their revenue from 30% to 60%. Plus,  with header bidding publishers get more transparency into how much their impressions are actually worth.

The main benefit this technique brings to advertisers is access to premium inventory which was previously available only via direct deals with the publishers.

So to set the ball rolling on this, you as an ad network owner will just need to:

  1. Agree on the integration with Header Bidding DSPs you want to partner and get their code (publisher ID)
  2. Provide publishers with code they can add to their websites
  3. Link Header Bidding DSP with supply sources through Admixer.Network    

So far, Admixer.Network has been already integrated with AppNexus, AdForm, RhythmOne, SmartAdServer, DistrictM, Criteo, AppnexusVideo, BetweenDigital, RTBHouse. Additionally, here’s the list of Header Bidding partners available for further integration.

If you know more about how we can help you
with Header Bidding partners integration,
drop us a note here:

Create a Campaign and set up parameters

Select the parameters for your campaign:

  • date range
  • budget limit
  • Impressions limit during the date range

Setting up targeting choosing from extensive available opportunities:

  • targeting by geography
  • operation system
  • devices
  • browsers
  • URLs
  • IP
  • environment
  • screen resolution
  • data center
  • and more

Get insightful reporting

To provide publishers and advertisers with relevant analytics on their campaigns performance, we’ve added reporting providing the following metrics:

  • a number of Bid requests
  • a number of Win/ Lost bids
  • timeouts
  • bids and all other data needed for deep programmatic analysis

Request access

Opportunity to add Header Bidding DSP partners is now available only to White Label Network owners. This new functionality can be activated upon request.

For more information on Admixer.Network solution, please reach out to Irina Kostiuk, Business Development Executive: ikostyuk@admixer.com.

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