Admixer Platform Gets an Update: 5 Things to Know
Over the past months, our team has been working hard to deliver not one, not two..but five good news for you. For demand partners, we’ve revamped planning, targeting, and campaign placement tools to empower more effective advertising. On the supply side, we’ve focused on improving inventory analysis and curation.
Let us walk you through new feautes!
#1: An all-new campaign planning
You asked for more ways to plan your campaigns. You got it. By pulling “Available Inventory Reports” via Admixer.DSP, advertisers can clearly see how much inventory is available based on different targeting configurations. You can now apply various filters – like audience segments, demographics or ad formats – to get an estimated traffic volume available per day/week. This will give you a better understanding of what can be achieved, given the average bid price.
As for publishers, you get a better picture of how much traffic volume you can offer to advertisers. This feature empowers you to analyze your inventory, better plan campaigns for your direct advertisers and “package” your inventory offerings into advertising products. Show advertisers exactly how much traffic they can get based on dozens of parameters.
PS. This feature is not enabled by default – please contact us or your Account Manager for connection inquiry.

#2: Brand-new inventory packaging and curation
As inventory curation becomes more and more popular, we have redesigned this functionality to make the creation of advertising products more UX-friendly. The process has been powered with new features – like available inventory reports – and the interface gets a brand-new design. Adding new product formats (also known as advertising products) has become more intuitive for Admixer platform owners, saving them time for these tasks.

#3: Supply Path Optimization made simple
Optimizing the inventory supply chain is top-of-mind for advertisers and agencies alike today. Brands are demanding complete transparency in their media purchases, while agencies are seeking greater control over the procurement process.
With our latest update, advertisers can now fine-tune their targeting by selectively blocking specific SSPs. For example, if there are multiple pathways to access the same inventory – and some SSPs show low performance – you can exclude those from the buying chain.

#4: Launch ads that “speak” your audience language
This works very well for multilingual countries. And by “this”, we mean targeting your audience profiles based on browser/app language. You have two options here:
- Several Profiles: You can now create multiple creatives for each language spoken in your target region, launching them as several profiles within one single advertising campaign.
- Single Profile: Alternatively, you can upload one creative in multiple language versions and link them to the same profile using language-based targeting. Our system will automatically serve ads in the appropriate language version configured in your audience browser or app settings.
By using a single profile for multiple languages, you’ll make your ad offerings more appealing to your target customers, ultimately leading to higher ROAS for your campaigns.

#5: Meet the new-old Rewarded Video Ads
Finally, let’s shine a spotlight on one of the most interactive ad formats: rewarded video ads. The one ad format that drives one of the highest engagement rates for in-app advertising. Rewarded video has been historically available via Admixer.DSP. But until now, the process of creating and launching these ads hasn’t been the easiest, given the requirements of external supply platforms.
We have completely revised the workflow to streamline the process while also unlocking new features. Now, in-app advertisers can preview how their rewarded ad looks like, assign tracking tags for each companion (part of the video), and the overall process has become smoother.

Have a question? Don’t be a stranger – contact us today 🙂