What if every time you need to make a choice you could let the system just calculate what’s more favourable for you? Hybrid programmatic is our offer to publishers who want to get the best of different monetization technologies.
Tech innovations, intended to help websites increase their ad revenue, may become a problem on their own. Publishers of a smaller size don’t have the resources to run complicated mechanisms of ad buying. They may lack the understanding of all technologies and their set up process.
Choosing the right ad tech vendor and the fitting technology requires from publishers to look through all the info on different options and select the best one.
First, we had direct deals, then real-time bidding, then header bidding. Is new always better? How to get the advantages that get lost with the transition to a new format of monetization?
Hybrid Programmatic combines RTB auctions and multiple Header Bidders!
Admixer has come to the simplest conclusion there is. You shouldn’t say no to any opportunity. We let publishers offer their web space through different bidding channels at once. Each type of bidding lets you get the highest price on your impression through an auction. The process of choosing the higher one between the two is fully automated!
This year we presented the idea of Hybrid Programmatic on the market. Our Head of Programmatic, Yaroslav Kholod, was one the speakers at Ad Summit in Kyiv, where he shared the idea of hybrid technology within the list of HB and RTB integration options.
Here’s how it works.
- First we get the best RTB bidder.
- Then we get the best HB bidder.
- Lastly, we compare the two at our server, and the bidder with a higher bid wins.
We give an additional technical explanation and auction samples on Admixer website.
An example of Hybrid auction, where HB bidder wins.
Let the system choose for you. Admixer managers will guide you through the starting point and provide you with all additional info. In particular, you can learn what combinations we offer. Get your best revenue from a number of header bidders, combine it with real time bidding and sell the remnant inventory to external monetization sources. We are certified to connect publishers to DoubleClick AdExchange for the bulk inventory selling.
There’s no additional cost for switching to the hybrid model. No increased latency, everything happens on our ad server. And, of course, you’ll get the friendliest advising from our support team.