Millennials and native advertising- Admixer Blog

Why Millennials Swipe Right for Native Advertising?

Author: Dominika Kozub, Content and Marketing Specialist at Voluum DSP
20 May 2020

Author: Dominika Kozub, Content and Marketing Specialist at Voluum DSP.

The term “Millennials” has become a buzzword in recent years. Why? The famous generation seems to be the hardest demographic to understand, rapidly altering the digital advertising landscape as we know it.

Based on the research, the millennial population born between 1981 and 1996 is projected to peak in 2033, at 74.9 million. This pretty impressive number clearly means that it’s time to get to know millennials better and define a proper way to reach them.

A closer look at millennials

Let’s put it simply – the millennial population is made up of the digital natives. As they grew up using the Internet, they are highly tech-driven. They are more confident handling a smartphone than a fork or a pencil. In fact, they are not only the largest, but also the most educated as well as self-contained and image-focused generation of all times. 

That being said, when it comes to digital marketing, they are kind of “Adlergic”. With their eyes and thumbs constantly glued to their mobiles, they became advertising champions that are sensitive to classic commercial tricks happening around them. 

Based on the Statista research, only 36% of millennials trust social media ads. Not to mention the fact that most of them use ad blockers to avoid disturbing pop-ups and run-of-site displays. The main issue is that they see it as daunting, intrusive and not authentic. 

Millennials are definitely not a group of impulsive shoppers. They expect content that is informative and engaging, bringing to their life some kind of value or a sense of belonging instead of spammy, promotional and generic material. Basically, they crave a story and experience over a statement.

The key to digital advertising for millennials

No sweat! The digital marketing industry has unraveled the mystery of reaching out to millennials and it is native advertising. As stated by IAB, around 80% of millennials see in-feed native ads as a favorable user experience and 58% believe that publishers should limit advertising to native only. Sounds pretty amazing, right?

By the way, we’ve previously discussed how to make native ads drive results in 2020. If you are willing to get ahead of the competition and win a considerable share of the millennial demographic, set up a native advertising campaign in Admixer.DSP.

Why do millennials enjoy native advertising?

Unlike other types of web advertisements, native ads don’t really look and feel like ads. They’re more natural and much less salesy, designed to match the organic content upon which they appear.

In fact, they come in several shapes and sizes and can be divided into three extensive categories:

  • in-feed ads,
  • search & promoted listings,
  • content recommendations.
Types of Native Ads- Admixer Blog

Despite looking differently, all native ads share similar benefits that make them so appealing to millennials. Here are the most striking ones:

User experience comes first

Since native ads are delivered within the user’s experience, they do not come out as disruptive or misleading. The viewer’s attention moves flawlessly between editorial and native content, hence the ad is not interrupting the flow, but contributing to it. 

Basically, it’s a win-win for both the user and the advertiser. When users come across some promotional content that speaks to their wants and needs, it doesn’t matter if it’s sponsored. What matters is that it has some kind of value that gives a greater chance that they will convert for the advertiser and quite possibly return to the publisher’s website in the future.

High engagement

As native ads mingle so well with the informative content, they become a part of the story and have a great chance of going viral. Users are more likely to share it with family, friends, or social media followers. It brings not only better engagement, but also creates a lot of opportunities for advertisers to build relationships based on credibility through interaction.

On top of that, native ads can easily amplify the reach. Just like editorial content, they usually have unique URLs. It means that they can be shared or reposted in one click.

Ad blocker’s buddy

Another huge benefit is that native ads can fly under the radar of ad blockers. Well, most of them. Some software may still fight against them. However, since the users have a choice whether they want to block the ad or not, they’re likely to be in favor of leaving such content due to its relevance. That’s another proof of its success. 

How to enter a millennial’s mind with native ads? 

Just don’t panic! It’s easier than you might think and actually we’ve got some ideas for you. 

Tell a story

The first thing that you should remember is that the millennial generation is made of visual, rather than audible beings. This is exactly why they’re tired of basic ads and prefer stories that tickle and excite their imagination.

Like all good stories, every campaign should have a point with a relevant and engaging storyline that grabs and holds attention. By doing so, the advertisement becomes more interesting, memorable and most importantly inspires an emotional reaction that nowadays is crucial.

Keep it personal

Definitely, millennials are not a homogenous demographic. It’s essential to divide them into distinctive groups based on their online activity, behaviors, and interests. They expect ads to speak their personal desires, as well as support causes important for them.

One of the greatest strategies is to reengage millennials who have lately made an initial purchase and surprise them with the matching offers. Simple as it is, millennials await nothing less than quality ads directed specifically to their wants and needs.

Be real & transparent

Transparency is a big one. As millennials are being constantly bombarded with media messages on what to buy or what to think, it’s necessary to find a way to cut through that noise and remain transparent and authentic.

Purely, millennials hate poor content quality, together with shadowy offerings and have little patience for unclear headlines and images. Misleading content can drive them crazy and will definitely have a detrimental effect on their trust and loyalty. 

Leave behind the 90s design

Hands down millennials are quite judgmental when it comes to best and worst design practices.

Definitely, they won’t be amazed by old-fashioned ad creations. That’s why it’s time to forget about clipart, as well as generic stock images, old typography or overdone gradient backgrounds.

Believe it or not, stylish and trendy graphic design is a way to the millennial’s heart. The right combination of picture and words makes the ad shine brighter. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment and think outside of the box, as being on the safe side will never let you succeed, especially with millennials. 

Final thoughts

Advertising to the millennials can be quite tricky, as times have changed and new generations are far away from being passive recipients.

The main challenge is that the millennials show little patience and, more importantly, refuse to listen. When it comes to interacting with ads, they have a sharper eye, as well as higher expectations.

Marketers need to earn the right to get their attention. Native advertising appears to be the perfect way to attract the generation of vocal users. It not only provides trust, but also creates gripping conversations, together with authentic experiences and that’s exactly what millennials are looking for.

So, get ahead of the game and round out your digital strategy with native ads.

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