Video ad trends that fight space and time limits

26 May 2017

Video ad format is your grenade launcher in the battle for user attention. It helps overcome banner blindness and provides for better user engagement. The demand for programmatic video continues its rise. That’s why the need remains to catch the right wave and make the best use of your video ad content.

Video ads have their obvious advantages: there is no restriction in page location, they let you adapt TV ads for the Internet and they have a stronger emotional impact.

With that, marketers are constantly working on improving video ad experience for viewers. We are following the trends and want to give you a fresh update.

Outstream videos create new placements

The term “outstream” is used for any video that plays outside of an online video content. It doesn’t interrupt the video you are wishing to watch and thus is perceived by users as less intrusive.

Such improved attitude of users results in better conversions. Less irritated viewers pay more attention to the content and are more likely to take actions.

Outstream format is especially appealing for publishers in terms of extended inventory monetization. They get the opportunity to receive the revenue from the placements not used before.


The success of outstream format is expected to grow even further due to the fact that increasingly more advertisers have concerns as to the brand safety and leave platforms like YouTube, where pre-rolls dominate. In-stream video ads are placed there within the context of videos, which are user generated. And this might be a tricky business when the combination of two is less than desirable.

Ways to outplay 5-seconds rule

For a long time, advertisers have been trying to find a fitting reply for viewers skipping ads right after the option is enabled. The arms race among brands, where each wishes to be the most memorable one, pushes them to some especially creative solutions.

Volkswagen, for example, introduced ads that automatically skip themselves to promote its new function for automatic gears shifting.

skip ad

A more recent example: Barclays’ ad shows a “Rube Goldberg machine”, which skips the ad for you. The idea behind it implies that the brand foresees viewer’s wishes. The company itself states through such promo action that it understands your needs.

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