Hard choice: the pros and cons of DIY SEO [Infographic]

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. SEO is the one to drive organic traffic, there is no doubt that any website needs it. However, when the time X arrives, hesitations overwhelm publisher: hiring a freelancer, outsource it with a specialized company or do it with your own hands. 

79% of search engine users say they always/frequently click on the natural search results. In contrast, 80% of search engine users say they occasionally/rarely/never click on the sponsored search results.

Moreover, there is a huge number of publishers who used to start their pass as an SEO-specialist are aware of the ever-changing search engine algorithms. Even though everyone still loves to tell you that in SEO, content is king, the right kind of links are proven to rule the search landscape. But link building can be a long and arduous process. You can’t just do it once and forget, so if you don’t have several additional hours in a day it is a pain.

At the same time, if you have never dealt with search engine optimization another problem arise: as soon as you begin to google it you face a brave new world of contrary recommendations, black techniques, unscrupulous specialists and overpromising services. Sooner or later, Google will definitely find out if you cheat, penalize your site, and push its rankings down to page 91. Moreover, while it is not impossible to implement SEO on your own, do-it-yourself SEO  involves tasks that when executed without professional assistance – can pose more risks and harm than good.

If you are looking to give DIY SEO a shot, take some time to do research and thoroughly understand the practice and avoid causing harm to your business. To begin with, here are some pros and cons of do-it-yourself SEO.

Last but not least, users who are truly driven from search engines spend lots of time on website and dive more deeply into content comparing to other channels. So publisher should never forget – the price of each impression on your website is determined by the quality of your visitors. Don’t miss a thing.

Embed from CJG Digital Marketing.