Dynamic Creatives Admixer

Dynamic Creative Optimization Now In Admixer.DSP

Author: Nikolay Kryvtsun, Programmatic Specialist
7 April 2021

Dynamic creative optimization is a growth hacking tool that, with the right expertise and a sufficient amount of data, can significantly increase the efficiency of the ad campaigns. Admixer is launching a Dynamic Creative Optimization module that will be available for use with all Admixer products.

DCO in a nutshell 

Dynamic creative optimization is a technology that allows targeting users with a more personalized message with several build-in scenarios.  On top of it, A/B testing and optimization capabilities boost advertising campaign results.

The DCO functionality helps to save time for media buyers and ad campaign managers. At the core of this solution is a creative that is dynamically “assembled” depending on predefined scenarios and triggers. Setting up a campaign on platforms with DCO functionality will require significantly less time than doing everything manually.

DCO module by Admixer

Admixer’s DCO module allows you to create and optimize a variety of personalized ad messages.

Creative assets 

They determine the appearance of an advertising message. In total, Admixer’s DCO module has seven creative elements:

  • headline
  • text 
  • background 
  • image 
  • logo
  • button 
  • price 

Each option has an unlimited number of variations. With the DCO module, you can create countless versions of the ad message and test its efficiency.

Targeting criteria 

The DCO module allows to apply both pre-configured targeting options and create new ones, and use them for different creatives. Targets can be customized in different categories: 

  • data segments from DMP
  • day of the week, date, and time
  • audience groups from your own DMP agency / client
  • geolocation and hyperlocal geolocation
  • device type
  • browser type
  • mobile/desktop 
  • operating system
  • screen resolution


Another excellent tool to reinforce targeting is the system of triggers. Triggers are a set of parameters from external sources that informs the generation of a dynamic creative (weather, game score, user actions, etc.)


Those are display scenarios —a combination of various creative elements and targeting criteria. They shape the rules of according to which a dynamic creative is produced: how creative elements will assemble depending on the specific targeting and triggers.

Adding a DCO component step-by-step

Step 1: Create and fill out a dynamic creative

Dynamic creative is generated and rendered in the Single Panel Dynamic Banner template. Graphic and text elements are added to the creative, targeting groups are set up. You can use elements and targeting options to line up variations of ad creatives.

Step 2: Connect to profile and set up targeting criteria 

The completed dynamic creative template is attached to your profile. Audience targeting settings (DMPs and audience groups) are copied from the ad creative. The rest of the targeting criteria are configured in the profile and must cover all the targeting of the creative.

Step 3: Validate the creative and launch the campaign 

The dynamic creative is validated at the level of each option. All the confirmed options are launched together with the profile but can be stopped and restarted separately.

Step 4: Review reports and optimize 

The profile report displays statistics for a dynamic creative by option. Based on the performance indicators of each option and the profile goals, you can prioritize the impressions for the most effective promotion.

Wrap up 

Dynamic creatives can compensate for the limitations of display advertising, and provide tangible savings. Instead of numerous re-iterations, you line up creatives and templates only once without additional investment in production, the automatic optimization minimizes discrepancies and reduces human error.

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