Are you sure you’re paying enough attention to the core of your advertising strategy?
The nerve and sinew of your ad campaign’s body?
The frame of your promotion vehicle?
Insufficient level of your creative’s quality may cause lots of trouble in a long run. First comes the loss of profit – financial resources you pour into your ad campaign are going to be wasted.
Low-quality ads drive the rise of ad blockers. And user discontent, that forces them to install ad blockers, ultimately harms the brand, up to the loss of reputation.
What are the key components you should check about managing your creatives?
Find the format that works best within your campaign. This includes mobile adaptation done right or running non-irritating native formats.
The mobile share of ad views is growing and part of promotion strategy for brands is to think of running their ad campaign on smartphone screens.
How Admixer tests banner adaptiveness
Relevance of your message is extremely important. The right choice of your audience in targeting settings is a must. But when you reach your potential clients, your creative’s message shouldn’t fail you. Double-check if it’s clear and personalized enough.
Entertain customers and let them interact with your creatives. Engagement is the key word here. Your goals is to awake consumer interest, so try and test silly ideas, whenever you get the chance. If humour isn’t a good fit for your strategy, there’s always empathy. Tell the story that users can relate to or create an emotional link.
Bottom line
Ad delivery is being constantly improved in terms of data analysis, audience targeting and stats monitoring. At that, the creative – a central piece of the puzzle – still needs the attention.
– Don’t let your focus shift too far from the message and its presentation.
– Try out silly ideas if your resources let you and keep an eye on metrics to check the results.
– And always test different variants for your performance optimization.