Report: Growing Trends in Media Consumption on Mobile

Recently Knight Foundation published a huge report based on a research study conducted with Nielsen and commissioned by Knight Foundation to explore how people use mobile platforms for news. We hightlighed the main figures and conclusions for you to focus on. 

1. The mobile news user base as a whole reflects the current U.S. population with all its racial, ethnic and economic diversity.

2. Since 2011, the rate of adult U.S. smartphone ownership has increased notably from 46 to 82 percent, and is nearing a saturation point among some age groups. Millennials loom large in mobile usage (85 percent have a smartphone)

3. The audience is generally much more limited among apps overall comparing to websites.

4. The younger generations of mobile news users are actively consuming news, but in a different way; they tend to find news through social media and emerging chat apps.

5. The information and reference sites like Wikipedia are linked to news behavior and is a critical pathway to the news and information ecosystem. Wikipedia’s site reaches almost one-third of the total mobile population each month

Nearly the entire population of adult mobile users consume news on their devices, and more users are spending news time on social platforms, so we can assume that this data is applicable for any website. Do you know hot to benefit from this data? Read our article about the Best Mobile Audience Monetization Models.