Admixer: 2018 Year in Review

New Year season is a good time to look back on our own key insights and takeaways. The Admixer team is also reflecting on the passing year.

We’re glad that 2018 has been an exciting year of rapid growth and great accomplishments for all of us at Admixer Technologies.

Here are several key milestones we went along with our teammates, partners, and customers.

Admixer.AdExchange: Skyrocketing Traffic, New Partners, and Growth

Is Admixer.AdExchange about traffic? – No, it’s about quality! This is the only way how you can substantially grow from year to year keeping in mind the only risk – can our servers handle all this flow? Onboarding GeoEdge, The Media Trust along with Forensiq and Pixelate was the start point to overflow CIS and meet new challenges in Tier1.

In 2018 Admixer.AdExchange delivered over 12 billion impressions from DV360, Criteo, Bucksense, Outbrain, Voluum, Bidswitch and 60 more trusted demand partners. 70% of ads found their users in the US, CA, and UK, comparing to a modest 13% in 2017. The dominance of in-app traffic strengthen the position and made 75% of traffic served in Admixer. Diversifying our server capacity by opening new Data Centers in Singapore contributed to minimizing of ads delivery time that significantly increased the revenue of our partners from Asia.

The more you make – the more responsibility you take. 100% of our supply partners were paid in full and on time, as we’ve reached the bar of 3% fraud risk rate and never gonna raise it again.

2018 was a year of new challenges, grow and optimization.

Admixer SaaS Products: Ad Networks Worldwide, CTV Trend, and More

Another important milestone we’ve achieved in 2018 is extending the geography due to attracting new Enterprise-level customers for our ad tech solutions. Our partners launched 8 new ad networks based on SaaS solution Network in USA, Canada, Eastern Europe, and UAE.   

Launching new networks on our tech solution enables us to get much more direct supply into AdExchange. To be precise, by the end of 2018 direct supply share out of the total AdExchange volume has reached 15%, and it keeps growing.

One more kick-off worth mentioning relates to new promising CTV trends. 2018 had become the first year when digital ad spending exceeded expenses on TV ads. Specifically, ad on over-the-top (OTT) devices (like Roku, Apple TV, Smart TV’s, game consoles, and so) is gaining momentum worldwide. Following this hot trend, we launched a CTV network in Ukraine.

The last but not least product launch related to Admixer SaaS solutions is Video\Audio Player. We’re looking forward to getting the most of  it regarding direct video supply. So far, a beta version of Player.Best is available, and we’ll announce its fully-fledged launch soon.

Citing other achievements, we’re glad to share that Datanyze rated our Publisher solution as a Top-10 Ad Server among most popular globally, especially in Western Europe.

Admixer.TradeDesk: A New Platform for Digital and New Digital Formats

In August we launched Admixer.TradeDesk. One of the main .TradeDesk purposes is bringing together Digital and New Digital formats (specifically, DOOH, CTV, Audio). Among the most engaging formats of 2018 are Infovision and radio station inventory.

So far, it’s available for Ukrainian agencies only. Since August most of global and local digital and media agencies got their accounts in .TradeDesk. We were happy to onboard all of them and receive positive reviews after running their test campaigns.

Most agencies have been adding more and more new campaigns using  .TradeDesk, which also resulted in bringing their customers to the platform.

As for early results in numbers, by the end of 2018 .TradeDesk share has comprised 10% of the total Admixer.AdExchange turnover.

Admixer.DMP: Upgrades, New Markets, and Partnerships

To ensure the most efficiency in targeting, we connected Admixer.DMP with all the Admixer products ecosystem: .TradeDesk, .Network, and .Publisher.

There were also several upgrades in DMP. Particularly, we added new functionality, Custom DMP, to let ad agencies manage their data in TradeDesk.

Besides, we had a collaboration with Dentsu Aegis Group agency. The result has been an integration of Admixer.DMP with data and analytics tools used by Dentsu Aegis Group.

As the icing on the cake, we introduced  .DMP to new markets and set up a partnership with mobile operators that now contribute to delivering data into the programmatic ecosystem.

Final Thoughts

Overall, 2018 has been a year of growth. Admixer Technologies team had increased 1,5 times, both by gaining new talents to the existing structure and adding new subdivisions like Supply and Demand. Also, the total company turnover has doubled in 2018.

2018 has been busy and exciting in terms of events. For the first time, Admixer team has become an exhibitor at DMEXCO, biggest global Digital Advertising and Marketing Expo.

We opened a new office, Admixer Georgia, getting together representatives of all Admixer regional offices from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, and Ukraine to join our first Admixer Summit held in Tbilisi.

One more key event for us was facilitating the launch of IAB Ukraine. Aleksey Boltivets, CEO of Admixer has become a President of IAB Ukraine.

Now, our roadmap for 2019 is full of plans, updates, and new horizons. We’re all set for new projects and beginnings with you, our partners and customers. We wishing you prosperity, growth, and reaching all the goals whatever ambitious they may be.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!