
Digital ad formats - Admixer Blog

As the coronavirus pandemic progresses, customers become more cautious regarding their purchases in the range of categories. Under the pressure from decreasing budgets, marketers transition to more flexible and affordable digital ad formats. The common digital channels may not function as effectively during the crisis. Lockdown reshaped behavioral patterns, changed daily routines, and prioritized new […]

Digital advertising formats - Admixer Blog
Digital Ad Formats Vs. COVID-19: Where to Advertise During the Pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic progresses, customers become more cautious regarding their purchases in the range of categories. Under the pressure from decreasing budgets, marketers transition to more flexible and affordable digital ad formats. The common digital channels may not function as effectively during the crisis. Lockdown reshaped behavioral patterns, changed daily routines, and prioritized new […]

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In-Game Advertising - Admixer Blog

The gaming industry turned out to be resilient to the global crisis and even demonstrate moderate growth. Games are surging in popularity, as people on the lockdown are searching for new ways to vent and connect with their peers. Video game usage increased by 75% since the start of worldwide social distancing. Mobile games are […]

In-Game Advertising: 8 Ad Formats to Monetize Mobile Games
In-Game Advertising: 8 Ad Formats to Monetize Mobile Games

The gaming industry turned out to be resilient to the global crisis and even demonstrate moderate growth. Games are surging in popularity, as people on the lockdown are searching for new ways to vent and connect with their peers. Video game usage increased by 75% since the start of worldwide social distancing. Mobile games are […]

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Millennials and native advertising- Admixer Blog

Author: Dominika Kozub, Content and Marketing Specialist at Voluum DSP. The term “Millennials” has become a buzzword in recent years. Why? The famous generation seems to be the hardest demographic to understand, rapidly altering the digital advertising landscape as we know it. Based on the research, the millennial population born between 1981 and 1996 is […]

Millenials and native advertising- Admixer Blog
Why Millennials Swipe Right for Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a perfect way to reach the maturing generation of millenials. Learn how to grasp and hold on to their attention with our tips.

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Coronavirus Impact on App Industry - Admixer Blog

The app industry was one of the fastest-growing segments in the digital economy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, the app industry boasted 204 billion downloads and $120 billion in consumer spendings. Last year, users, on average, spent 3 hours and 40 minutes per day using apps, outperforming TV. Users are quickly transitioning to […]

App downloads during coronavirus - Admixer Blog
Coronavirus Impact on Mobile App Industry: Installs, Ad Spend, and Revenues

The app industry was one of the fastest-growing segments in the digital economy prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, the app industry boasted 204 billion downloads and $120 billion in consumer spendings. Last year, users, on average, spent 3 hours and 40 minutes per day using apps, outperforming TV. Users are quickly transitioning to […]

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In-stream vs in-banner ads - Admixer Blog

Video is the most engaging type of content. Viewers remember 95% of the message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. Videos are memorable, and leave a lasting impression that translates in conversion and sales.  The young cohort of users increasingly prefers watching a video over reading […]

In-stream vs in-banner video ads - Admixer Blog
In-Stream Vs. In-Banner Video Ads: What’s the Difference?

Video is the most engaging type of content. Viewers remember 95% of the message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. Videos are memorable, and leave a lasting impression that translates in conversion and sales.  The young cohort of users increasingly prefers watching a video over reading […]

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Programmatic ecosystem - Admixer Blog

Programmatic advertising is swiftly expanding its market share and is becoming the dominant model in the digital advertising ecosystem. According to the joined report by IAB and PwC, programmatic ad revenues currently account for 80% of all digital display advertising revenues. Programmatic advertising enabled companies to capitalize on their consumer data and reach audiences more […]

Programmatic advertising explained - Admixer Blog
Programmatic Advertising Explained: Terms, Elements, Buying Methods, Programmatic Monetization

Programmatic advertising is swiftly expanding its market share and is becoming the dominant model in the digital advertising ecosystem. According to the joined report by IAB and PwC, programmatic ad revenues currently account for 80% of all digital display advertising revenues. Programmatic advertising enabled companies to capitalize on their consumer data and reach audiences more […]

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