
Advertising trends 2021 - Admixer blog

The end of the year is in sight, and it is crucial to review the key milestones and strategize for the next year. However, predicting the future after the rough ride we just had feels incredibly daunting.  On top of challenges created by the pandemic, 2020 will be remembered for shifts to new privacy regulations […]

Advertising trends 2021 Thumb - Admixer blog
9 Digital Advertising Trends That Will Shape 2021

The end of the year is in sight, and it is crucial to review the key milestones and strategize for the next year. However, predicting the future after the rough ride we just had feels incredibly daunting.  On top of challenges created by the pandemic, 2020 will be remembered for shifts to new privacy regulations […]

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Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)

Digital advertising has reached its current scale since it was constantly developing its tools and optimizing processes. Dynamic creatives and dynamic creative optimization have contributed to the evolution by allowing users to reach a new level of targeting and settings. Although the terms are not new, they proved to be very effective for many businesses. […]

Dymamic Creatives and DCO
Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO): How to Create Personalized Ad Creatives On-the-Go

Digital advertising has reached its current scale since it was constantly developing its tools and optimizing processes. Dynamic creatives and dynamic creative optimization have contributed to the evolution by allowing users to reach a new level of targeting and settings. Although the terms are not new, they proved to be very effective for many businesses. […]

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Header bidding made a revolution in the advertising market and permitted media owners to boost their revenues by diversifying demand. However, during the early stages of adoption, header bidding was plagued with low standards, fragmented solutions, and almost no collaboration between providers.  Everything changed with the launch of Prebid.js in 2015, which introduced a straight-forward industry-standard, simplified […]

Prebid Hover- Admixer Blog
Prebid: The Technology Behind Header Bidding

Header bidding made a revolution in the advertising market and permitted media owners to boost their revenues by diversifying demand. However, during the early stages of adoption, header bidding was plagued with low standards, fragmented solutions, and almost no collaboration between providers.  Everything changed with the launch of Prebid.js in 2015, which introduced a straight-forward industry-standard, simplified […]

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Rewarded video - Admixer blog

In-app advertising during the COVID-19 crisis is booming. People spend 20% more time in apps than prior to the pandemic and you may wonder how to finally monetize your app and what type of ads is the best to use today. Well, rewarded video ads are a great place to start. Let’s see why: 71% […]

Rewarded video ads Thumb -Admixer blog
Rewarded Video Ads Monetization: App Developers Guide

In-app advertising during the COVID-19 crisis is booming. People spend 20% more time in apps than prior to the pandemic and you may wonder how to finally monetize your app and what type of ads is the best to use today. Well, rewarded video ads are a great place to start. Let’s see why: 71% […]

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Video ad network - Admixer blog

Advertising priorities are constantly changing, and in 2020 they gravitate more and more towards video ads network. 30 years ago, TV was paramount to reach and engagement, then the web arrived and display ads captivated the audience for decades. Finally, digital video content came to the foreground. According to the eMarketer report, by 2023 digital […]

Video ad network Thumb - Admixer blog
The Best Video Ad Networks and Where to Find Them

Advertising priorities are constantly changing, and in 2020 they gravitate more and more towards video ads network. 30 years ago, TV was paramount to reach and engagement, then the web arrived and display ads captivated the audience for decades. Finally, digital video content came to the foreground. According to the eMarketer report, by 2023 digital […]

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Ad Exchange vs. Ad Network - Admixer.blog

A network and ad exchange are two crucial components of the programmatic marketplace. In large part, they share a similar objective,  gathering publishers’ inventory to sell it programmatically to advertisers. Those two terms are frequently used interchangeably, which confuse their distinct roles in media buying.  Despite the apparent similarities, ad networks and ad exchanges have […]

Ad exchange vs. Ad network Thumb - Admixer.blog
Ad Network vs. Ad Exchange — Programmatic Business Model

A network and ad exchange are two crucial components of the programmatic marketplace. In large part, they share a similar objective,  gathering publishers’ inventory to sell it programmatically to advertisers. Those two terms are frequently used interchangeably, which confuse their distinct roles in media buying.  Despite the apparent similarities, ad networks and ad exchanges have […]

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