
Independent ad tech - Admixer.blog

Google and Facebook market shares grow. Independent companies are put under the pressure to win the competition through their specialised approach. For publishers, this promises even more responsiveness to their needs.

Programmatic native advertising - Admixer blog

Banner blindness and subsequent ad blocking are two pressing trends that have sent advertisers on the mission to find new ways of reaching the audience.

Ad block rules from Google

Remember how everyone talked about Google Chrome in-built ad blocker? At the time, the company made no official statements and left us waiting. And now we have some first-hand info. Google’s official representatives have shared how they are working in the direction. Google’s Senior Vice President Sridhar Ramaswamy has explained their next steps towards improving […]

How to set up header bidding

Header Bidding is the technology on the rise. Increased volume of its implementation entails loads that only major players can process.

How to choose an ad tech vendor

Publishers may often express dissatisfaction at their experience with ad tech vendors. Yet they don’t rush the farewell. And there are several reasons why.

Transparency in programmatic media buying

Whenever there’s a discussion of what can be improved about programmatic, the notion transparency emerges. What is it that gets hidden and where should we move to clear the things up? Let’s dive in.

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